Spoiler alert. The answer is a hard "no".
And yet, the clean eating, green beauty, and holistic health movements seem to be, at a glance, predominantly promoted by and marketed to upper/middle class Caucasians.
This view does people of color a disservice, both by denying our rich culinary heritage and perpetuating the stereotype that if you want to care about your diet, you must also be white.
To do our part to banish this misconception, we're including a list of resources to help curious or aspiring clean eaters of color understand there is, in fact, a knowledgeable and diverse community at your fingertips.
Bon Appétit!
Sistah Vegan: Black Female Vegans Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society edited by A. Breeze Harper
This book is a collection of essays written by a variety of self-identifying black women on the concept of de-colonization. Whether that's through clean eating, spirituality, and even hair care. It discusses the broader social aspects of black veganism as related to global social justice as well as health.
"Sistah Vegan is not about preaching veganism or vegan fundamentalism. Rather, the book is about how a group of black-identified female vegans perceive nutrition, food, ecological sustainability, health and healing, animal rights, parenting, social justice, spirituality, hair care, race, gender-identification, womanism, and liberation that all go against the (refined and bleached) grain of our dysfunctional society."
Food Justice: A Primer, edited by Saryta Rodriguez
Food Justice: A Primer is a collection of essays written by academics, activists, farmers, and others involved in the food justice movement. This book breaks down the issues on both a micro and macro scale and contains relevant information on what is currently being done to make food justice universal.
"For too long, the Food Justice Movement has been senselessly divided between those who focus on the rights of humans and those who uphold the rights of nonhumans. In truth, the most just and efficient way forward to promote this cause is for these communities to come together and work in solidarity with one another, as myriad individuals and organizations around the world demonstrate with their hard work and careful analysis. This book aims to illustrate why this is necessary while confirming that it is possible, in hopes of inspiring further cooperation and collaboration between seemingly disparate causes under the umbrella of Food Justice."
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