Women of color are more likely to succumb to pregnancy related diseases and be discriminated against within the medical system. We can’t wait for the healthcare system to reform itself,...
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Boiling down the message of wellness companies to pseudo-science and 1000 dollar detoxes distracts those who could benefit the most from the true power of self-care: women of color.
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The ability to walk into any salon, spa, or store for beauty products is a quiet privilege that most people of European descent are completely unaware of. Yet this silent message...
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We've simplify your natural skincare regime into 3 easy steps and highlight clean beauty products that you can comfortably embrace as a women of color.
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Here we highligh beauty brands designed for WOC that are free from harmful ingredients, toxic chemicals, and actually good for your skin.
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The lingerie of today is for YOU. We discuss the new company Underthing which celebrates the sexuality of women of color.
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How to deal with negative thoughts that arise during sex to avoid getting pulled into a cycle of shame and avoidance.
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We discuss the work of black feminist Audre Lorde entitled "Uses of the Erotic" and how this concept is still, if not more, relevant today.
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